
Showing posts from September, 2020

Skin Care for Dry Skin - Tips for dry skin

The number of people with skin problems has been increasing in recent years. Moreover, there is a notable increase in people who admit to having sensitive and dry skin. There is a bit of difficulty finding a scientific definition for "sensitive skin" as there are many differing, measurable criteria for its definition.  However, normal skin can develop a higher sensitivity when exposed to the following stimuli : sunburn; heavy skin-peeling; occupationally-related above normal exposure to water, alkalis and solvents, internal illnesses such as the increased skin dryness seen in age-related diabetes or the general itching that can accompany kidney diseases and psychological factors like stress.  Dry skin is especially common in children under 10 and older people over 60. Between 10 to 50 years of age, the number of women with dry skin is markedly more than in the case of men. The common characteristic of dry skin are light scaling, tightness and sometimes, itching. Basically, th...

Dry Skin Care - How Not To Look Old - Dry skin tips

If you have a dry skin and not too keen on having it look like a withered apple, then your only way out is to jump headlong into a dry skin care regimen. The dry skin is basically a dehydrated skin, very sensitive to the weather elements. So the dry skin care regimen is all about nourishing the skin and keeping it protected from external ravages.  Dry skin care involves getting to the roots of the problem. Apart from the intrinsically dry skin type, dryness can also be the result of taking drugs like diuretics, antispasmodics, and antihistamines. Dry skin can also result from medical conditions like hypothyroidism, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea and diabetes. Excessive exposure to harsh weather elements like snow, sun and winds and the use of chemicals on the skin, Vitamin A and B deficiencies can lead to conditions of dryness too.  The essentially dry skin has a dull look about it especially around the mouth and the eyes and it feels taut and uncomfortable right aft...

Vitamins For Dry Skin - Skin care for dry skin

Dry skin can be caused by a variety of factors. For people suffering from dry skin that has been inherited, there is no permanent solution except to take care of the skin with creams and lotions to avoid aggravating the condition.  Dry skin is also caused by old age. The body then cannot produce sufficient amount of oils and fluids as required. The oily layer on the skin then tends to become dry and often scaly.  Dry skin can also be caused by extreme climate and improper diet. Also, the amount of water intake is proportional to the fluid being retained in the body. All these lead to loss of requisite vitamins from the body.  The skin tends to look dry if Vitamin A and Vitamin B are deficient. Leafy vegetables, fish, and other foods can help in replenishing these vitamins in the body. Juices from citrus fruits can also be of a lot of help in this process.  Dry skin tends to look dull due to lack of Vitamin E in the skin. This can be taken care of by using the lotions...

Eczema in Babies - How to Treat Them - How to manage eczema in babies

Very little of the literature for new mothers addresses eczema in babies. After all, eczema doesn't fit in with the picture of the dewey, glowing baby all new parents imagine. Eczema in babies is fairly common though, and not too difficult to understand and treat.  Eczema is dry, scaly, itchy skin that appears irritated. Although not contagious, eczema can become infected if scratched. Infants can develop eczema almost anywhere, but behind the knees and elbows, and on the face, neck and belly are the most common sites. Eczema in infants tends to become crusty and weepy.  Treating your baby's eczema can be relatively simple. Since eczema tends to rob the affected skin of moisture, keeping the skin adequately moisturized is the most important aspect of treatment. Limiting baths to two to three a week helps to keep the skin moist, and using a very mild soap like Aveeno, Dove or Cetaphil is important. Avoid anything with perfumes or dyes. Pat the skin dry, never rub, and immediate...

Dry Skin & Olive Oil - How to use olive oil for dry skin

Do you have dry , stressed skin ? Most people don't have normal skin. If you suffer you can benefit from Olive Oil.  There are 2 kinds of olive oil I use regularly. Extra Virgin Olive oil and Spanish Olive oil.  Olive oil is safe to use on all parts of your body including your face. Use lightly around the eyes, T -Zone on your forehead or any other dry patches. You can apply your makeup over it . Use it on your lips to heal dry, chapped lips . You'll be happy with the difference you'll notice in just a few uses.  You can use olive oil after your bath, or in your bath water. Please note if used it in your bath water, the tub will be slippery. If you want to use it after a bath or shower, apply it before you dry off as it will hold in the moisture better.  Olive oil has been used for thousands of years The Greeks used oil to clean their bodies and does not typically clog pores and Few people seem to be allergic to it .  Olive oil on the body may help prevent dry s...

Common Skin Conditions - Dermatitis and Moles - Skin care information

Two of the most common skin conditions are the presence of moles and dermatitis. Moles can have more serious consequences than the irritation of dermatitis.  Moles occur when the cells in the skin that give it its pigment, called melanocytes, grow in clusters. These cells normally grow throughout the skin, but when too many grow in the same place a mole occurs. Most moles appear before the age of 25, but some may appear much later. Moles can remain static or change over time. Although most are not dangerous, some can be malignant and lead to melanoma. Any mole that oozes or becomes painful or sensitive should be checked out by a dermatologist. Moles that suddenly appear after the age of 25 or begin to change or grow should also be evaluated.  When evaluating your moles, keep the following in mind. Moles should be round. If your moles are asymmetrical, or irregular in shape, have it evaluated. If you find a mole that is larger than ¼", mention it to your doctor or dermatologist...

Dry Skin Causes - what causes dry skin

Dry skin can be a genetic inheritance and even infants can be seen with extremely dry skin. It is not an ailment that hit at a certain age or only certain kinds of skin. Genetic dry skin has no permanent cure, but a wide variety of lotions and creams are available to smooth out dry skin. Proper usage of these can produce some amazing results like a glowing, healthy look in the skin.  Dry skin is also caused by a deficiency in Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Vitamin E in the body. Intake of plenty of fruit juices, a diet consisting of leafy vegetables, and lots of water can help reduce this problem.  Other causes for dry skin are often extreme climatic conditions, wind, and sunburn. The outer layer of the skin has an oily layer that is sometimes not retained properly because of these conditions. Also, the body is unable to produce the requisite amount of water and oil as is needed by the body. This causes the skin to dry and look dull, flaky, and lifeless. It is advised to use a humid...

Home Remedies for Dry Skin - Eczema tips

Dry skin has no permanent cure but the skin can be softened and made smoother by using a few remedies. Most popularly, lotions and creams are used to soothe the dry skin. Using a mild soap or a cleansing body wash might eliminate the problem temporarily. However, this option can turn out to be pretty expensive if the skin is genetically dry or just exceptionally dry. Certain remedies can be used to soften the dry skin right at home.  A face pack made of fruits rich in vitamins and water can have a good effect on the dry skin. Some of the fruits that can be used are papaya, peach, and banana. Mashed avocado can also be applied to the skin for a glowing effect. A mild lotion or moisturizer can follow these face packs, to retain the moisture produced by the face pack. It is advised to use oil-based lotions in such instances. Moisture has to be applied with upward circular motion always.  Night creams containing alpha hydroxy acids can be used as night cream so as to have a fresh ...

7 Tips While Waiting for a Cure for Eczema - Eczema treatments

If you are the parent of a child with eczema, you know how uncomfortable this condition can make your child. You have undoubtedly wondered during treatment if there is a cure for eczema. Unfortunatly, there isn't. However, there are treatment options available for your child.  1- When a flare up of eczema happens, the use of antihistamines can be very affective in reducing the itching that will accompany it. However, antihistamines can cause drowsiness, especially in children.  2- The most common form of prescription that acts as a stand in for the cure for eczema is corticosteroids. While these can be very effective for reducing the redness and itching that are associated with eczema, they are not recommended for young children.  3- One of the most newest advancements in the hunt for the cure for eczema are topical immunomodulators (TIMs). These new drugs reduce the redness and itching of eczema without the use of steroids. The abcesnce of steroids means that the TIMs ar...

Treatment Options For Eczema Sufferers - How to treat eczema

If you suffer from eczema you are not alone. Eczema is a skin condition that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. The intensity of eczema cases is varied form the mild and inobvious, to the extreme and dibilitating. Therefore, eczema treatment options cover a wide range of intensities and variations also. They range from simply modifying hygiene practices to the last resort use of ultraviolet light treatment. Eczema treatment options are available for all types of sufferers.  It is vital to learn the different eczema treatment options on the market today in order to make an appropriate selection. Medical research regarding eczema treatment is an ongoing process with advancements in research and technology coming forward every day. Currently eczema is not curable, but can be controlled through eczema treatment techniques, and often held in a state of remission.  A first line of defense against eczema is to modify and step up your hygiene routine. People with eczema are h...

Learn How to Treat Eczema - Eczema treatment and tips

Your hands are peeling. Your scalp itches and dandruff flakes cover you shoulder. Your shoulders and knees are weeping with sores. You feel like your skin is falling apart. This is a dire situation. You go to the doctor worried that you have some unmanageable skin disease.  Your worries are lessened when you are diagnosed with eczema. Your Dermatologist informs you that eczema is an autoimmune skin condition. You feel devastated when your Dermatologist says that eczema can't be cured. However, eczema can be managed. You listen intently as your Dermatologist explains how to effectively treat eczema.  There are several ways to treat eczema. Following are ways to treat eczema based on the intensity and cause of the eczema.  Mild Cases of Eczema: It is fairly easy to treat eczema that is mild. It is a matter of changing your skin care regimen. Avoid using harsh soaps and opt for milder skin cleansers instead. Maintain skin moisture by using potent moisturizers on a daily basi...

Psoriasis Diagnosis and Treatment - psoriasis treatment skin

If you suffer from Psoriasis, you are not alone. Approximately 2-3% of the United States population suffers from this common skin ailment. That is almost 8 million people! Whether you are newly diagnosed with the condition, or have been suffering for a few years, there is relief out there. The key is to research all of your options and find a knowledgeable doctor that can help you explore your options.  Psoriasis has been known to afflict individuals of all races, sex, and age groups, though the majority of sufferers are adults. The condition begins when skin cells quickly rise from below the surface and begin to pile up on the surface before they have a chance to fully mature. While in a normal adult, the process takes about a month, a person suffering from Psoriasis can have this occur within a week. This excess growth of cells can lead to patches of thick inflamed skin, covered with silvery scales. They often itch and are very sore to the touch. Most sufferers have these patches...

Eczema Treatment - Tips for Preventing and Reducing Eczema Symptoms

Approximately 10-20% of the world's population suffers from Eczema. That is almost 15 million people! These cases range from mild to severe to everything in between. If you suffer from Eczema or want to find out more information about the condition, you have come to the right place. We will cover what the condition entails, and discuss different ways to treat the ailment. As always, discuss your options with your doctor before beginning any new treatment regimen.  It is important to understand what Eczema actually is. The term Eczema is actually a blanket one that covers a variety of different skin inflammations. The most common type of Eczema is actually Atopic Dermatitis. This affects children, and usually clears up with age. Atopic Dermatitis shows up most often in infancy and begins to lessen as the child ages.  Eczema may vary from person to person, but usually entails dry, red, itchy patches of skin. The majority of the symptoms will come and go based on external factors...

Eczema treatment: Tips On How To Care For Your Skin

Eczema can best be described as a non-contagious skin condition, which is characterized by hot dry itchy skin, with symptoms that often fluctuate seasonally and even over the course of the day. Eczema typically begins in early childhood. Research indicates that eczema may be genetically determined and studies show that there is often a family history of allergies, asthma, eczema or hay fever. Children who experience eczema may also suffer from asthma or hay fever as well.  Like an allergy, eczema tends to flair up when exposed to certain triggers, especially mechanical irritants, allergens, emotional stress, heat and sweating. When exposed to an offending situation, inflammation producing cells come to surface of the skin and release chemicals, leaving the skin red, pealing and thickened. Sometimes tiny blisters form, rupture, weep and crust over.  Eczema most often appears in and round the creases of joints of the arms and legs and around trunk of the body. For some, it also ...