15 Easy to Follow Tips to Control Your Eczema - Eczema treatments
This article gives you 15 easy tips to follow to help control your Eczema.
Tip 1
Moisturized skin is healthy skin and this is especially the case when it comes to those suffering from eczema. However, be aware that too much water is a faux pas. For example, soaking in a hot bath for a long period can dry out the skin a great deal. It is essential to take short, warm, or lukewarm showers and when you take a bath, make the soak a quick one. In addition, if you are cleaning and must have your hands in and out of water for an extended period then wear a pair of rubber or vinyl gloves. Aloe Vera propolis is a very good barrier cream, practically in the winter months
Tip 2
"Everything in moderation" is a saying that is especially appropriate to people with eczema. Too much water on your skin is bad, but dehydration is bad too. Dry skin areas are at risk, but so are areas with oily skin. Temperature and air humidity also have a negative effect on the condition. So, make sure to manage your environment very carefully.
Tip 3
Eczema can very often be triggered because the sufferer is allergic to something. Usually it can be dust mites, pollen, pet hair, air fresheners, or something else in your environment. Therefore, it is important for an eczema sufferer to make sure that their home environment is as clean and dust free as humanly possible. So once again, use a salt lamp to keep the air in your house clean and pure to help your eczema.
Tip 4
It is certainly not an easy thing to do but trying to keep as moderate a temperature as possible in your home and avoiding being outside when it is very humid are two things you should try to do. Keep cool during the summer while at home by using many fans or putting in an air conditioner. However keep in mind that air conditioning can be very drying to the skin as it depletes the air of moisture, therefore always use an adequate amount of moisturizer on your skin.
The drier air of winter is such because cold air has less of an ability to lock in moisture, Aloe Vera Propolis is ideal as a winter moisturizer and help with dry skin which is more likely to become red and itchy skin during these months, so always use a humidifier during the wintertime to maintain a sufficient level of humidity.
Tip 5
Avoid anything that contains harsh chemical such as products like paint strippers and pesticides. Many ingredients such as astringents, alcohol and a variety of fragrances that are used in cleaners, cosmetics, air fresheners, emollients, tissue, toilet paper, and so on can make eczema go from being mild to moderate or even severe. Forever Living Products have a wonderful all round cleaner that cleans anything from loos to white shirts. Made with aloe vera for more information) it is a good rule of thumb to always read labels before purchasing products for the body, face, and/or home environment.
Tip 6
Have you considered that food might be causing your eczema? Coffee, dairy, peanuts, and wheat are known allergy triggers, and it could be that a mild allergy to these products could make your eczema worse. If your doctor cannot test you for allergic reactions, then the best thing to do is to cut out these risk foods and see if your eczema improves. You can later re-introduce one item at a time a week apart to see which triggers a worsening in your eczema. That way you know what it is that is triggering your eczema.
Tip 7
Breast-feeding prevents eczema in babies. Women who breast-feed their babies are fortunate, as breast milk has been shown to be extremely effective in controlling the onset of eczema. In fact, studies have proven that in some babies, six months of breastfeeding can actually prevent eczema from starting in the first place.
New mother who choose not to breast-feed but instead feed their babies a formula made from cows' milk might do well to consider using a hypoallergenic milk formula such as a soy formula as opposed to a traditional type of formula.
Tip 8
Relax. Think happy thoughts. Focus on the good things in life. The last time you were happy, what was that like? Stress is a significant contributor to the eczema condition so anything you can do to focus your mind away from it will help you feel better about yourself but can also reduce the eczema in the first place. For me it helps to go for long walks, by the sea as much as possible.
Tip 9
One of the most important tips to controlling eczema is to always make sure the skin is well moisturized. Use a mild soap or cleanser such as Aloe Liquid Soap, which is a rich moisturising hand and face cleanser with a generous amount of aloe. It is a good idea to check with your doctor about what kinds of cleansers are most suitable. Use mild moisturiser like Aloe Moisturising Lotion for your face and body. Very rich in texture and does not contain Lanolin.
Tip 10
After a lukewarm bath, make sure to pat dry the skin and not rub. It is the best way to avoid getting eczema and it is a great way to make sure you do not irritate the skin any further.
Tip 11
Wear loose fitting clothes, ideally pure cotton, as it allows the skin to breathe and is very effective at removing sweat off the skin. Also, make sure to wash new clothes before using them to soften the fabric. You can use MPD for washing your clothes. It is a multi purpose concentrated cleaner which does not contain phosphorus. It has environmentally friendly, mild, gentle formula, which is kind to your hands and clothes.
Tip 12
Here is a tip that has worked wonders for me and many people I know that have had some kind of skin conditions, but it may not work for you. It depends entirely on what triggers eczema for you, but I would always recommend having either an aloe vera plant in the house that you can cut up leaves from and use the gel inside the leaf to soothe the itchy area.
We use it for everything that happens to our skin as it acts as both a re-hydrating moisturizer, anti septic cream and barrier cream in one. Strangely enough, some people also report a heightened sense of well being after having applied it to their pressure points on the wrists and on the neck. This is with the pure gel. Aloe Vera jelly is a great product, just as effective, and can be carried about with you unlike the plant.
Tip 13
It cannot be emphasized enough that the most important self-help tip for those suffering from eczema is to keep the skin well moisturized because well moisturized skin holds in natural moisture much better than dry skin and also encourages healing to take place at a more rapid rate.
Tip 14
Eczema patients need to observe careful bathing rituals so as not to further damage their skin and cause their condition to worsen. The products you buy must be non-scented and not harsh on the skin's gentle surface whatsoever. Aloe Vera Bath Gelee really comes into its own here. An aloe vera formula that is kind to your skin, a great moisturising bath, and shower gel. Forego floral scented or fruity scented soaps and cleansers for no nonsense natural cleansers that get you clean but also keep the moisture in your skin where you want it.
Tip 15
Always make use of a mild kind of soap or cleanser when you clean yourself. An excellent suggestions include Aloe Liquid soap It cannot be stressed enough- never use any products that are full of fragrance. Always choose products that are hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin.
Richard Blogs at http://aloeverablog.blogspot.com the site where you can buy your aloe vera products at 30% discount and get them shipped world wide
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/310753