How to Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles - Anti Aging tips

Wrinkles are the battle scars of age that show the wisdom and experience that can only come with time. To many, though, they are simply a sign they are getting older and not welcomed at all. Wrinkles have many causes. Some wrinkles can be avoided, while others are simply an unavoidable act of nature. There are many ways to protect the skin from developing excessive wrinkles and lessen the effect of the unavoidable wrinkles. 

Skin looses its firmness as people age due to a reduction in collagen and eslastin. This loosening is one of the main causes of wrinkles and can not be completely avoided. There are some wrinkle causing factors, like environment and habits that can be avoided. The following list explains different ways a person can avoid or reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 

- Do not smoke. Smoking reduces the production of collagen. In addition to the natural reduction in collagen that comes with age, even more reduction leads to even more wrinkles.

- New plastic surgery options. Advances in plastic surgery means that it is less invasive and safer than ever before. Plastic surgery results are not guaranteed, but often result in reducing wrinkles and keeping new ones from appearing for some length of time.

- Limiting sun exposure. The sun is a major factor in skin damage that causes wrinkles. The sun dries out and ruins skin over years of exposure. Protecting oneself with sunscreen and avoiding sun exposure during the most severe times of day is the best way to minimize sun damage.

- Moisturizing. Keeping skin from drying out by hydrating it with moisturizers will help skin keep its firmness.

- Keeping hydrated. Drinking ample amounts of water also helps the skin in the same way as moisturizing.

These tips explain ways a person can avoid or reduce wrinkles. There are also many products on the market that claim to help with wrinkles. Some of these products have been proven to work. It is up to the individual as to how they go about treating and preventing wrinkles. 

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of []. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about reduce wrinkles []. 
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